



The basis of the discretionary mandate is the comprehensive analysis of customer needs such as target return, investment horizon and risk analysis (risk tolerance and appetite). We follow a holistic approach based on the three cornerstones of income, liquidity and assets. We then formulate an investment strategy together with the client based on this analysis. Our experts then use this as a reference for all
investment decisions, which are always based on the client’s specifications and agreed risk bandwidth.

Transparent and results-oriented

Our clients always know which asset classes, sectors and stocks they are involved in and how their portfolio is performing. Helvetic Trust provides transparent and extensive information about all
activities and the results achieved at the agreed intervals. The structures of portfolios are of course continuously reviewed and adjusted in line with market conditions at a tactical level. 

Your wealth and investment goals

Wealth and incomeWealth breakdown, consolidated overview of assets and review of previous investment strategy.
Risk analysis Consideration of investment horizon, liquidity requirements, return expectations, risk capacity and risk appetite.
Asset classesDefinition of asset classes to invest in.
Investment strategyDetermination of asset allocation, contractually fixed.
ReportingRegular strategy discussions and ongoing provision of information with portfolio extracts. Cross-bank consolidation of your portfolio and asset statements thanks to our portfolio management system.

Our wealth management strengths

Individual mandatesExclusively tailored to your personal needs.
Free choice of solutions
and products
Independence through broad access to the capital market.
No exclusive ties with financial providers.
Consistent transparencyIndividual cost models, attractive banking conditions, framework agreements with leading banks in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

Strategic asset allocation

Listed small to medium-sized Swiss companies

  • Information-inefficient market
  • Actively managed investments
  • Outperformance compared to benchmark

Largest listed Swiss and international companies

  • Information-efficient market
  • Passively managed investments
  • Investments close to the benchmark

Topic investments

  • Regional and sector-specific markets
  • Markets specific to the focus area: longevity, infrastructure, energy transition, security, mobility, water

Alternative investments

  • Offer increased resilience in uncertain/volatile times
  • Real estate investments, raw materials, precious metals, hedge funds, private equity/venture capital, derivatives, structured products and digital assets
  • Access to exclusive markets

Are you interested in our services? Do you have questions?

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